All branches of the military occupy a large portion of Oahu and I recently put together a Hawaii Military Relocation Package - Schofield Barracks & Wheeler Army Air Field for the Military Relocating & Transferring to Honolulu County Hawaii .
Many military personnel have not been to Hawaii before so they obviously do not know what neighborhood is closest to the Honolulu County Hawaii Military Base they will be stationed. So it is without question they do not know which neighborhood they should look for their next Hawaii Home purchase.
This map details just about all of the Military Bases on Oahu in Honolulu County (the island of Oahu IS Honolulu County) This map should prove very beneficial to start your search for your new home purchase in relation to the your next tranfer station at one of our Honolulu County Hawaii Military Bases.
The H-1 freeway extends from South Oahu to the Leeward side of Oahu, the H-2 freeway extends from the Pearl City cutoff to Wahiawa and the H-3 freeway extends from the Aiea cutoff to the Windward side of Oahu (Kailua/Kaneohe).
More info on Relocating to Hawaii, the VA Loan process for purchasing your Hawaii Home and a special Video and story on a Hawaii Military Relocation and Hawaii Home Purchase come true:
Many military personnel have not been to Hawaii before so they obviously do not know what neighborhood is closest to the Honolulu County Hawaii Military Base they will be stationed. So it is without question they do not know which neighborhood they should look for their next Hawaii Home purchase.
This map details just about all of the Military Bases on Oahu in Honolulu County (the island of Oahu IS Honolulu County) This map should prove very beneficial to start your search for your new home purchase in relation to the your next tranfer station at one of our Honolulu County Hawaii Military Bases.
The H-1 freeway extends from South Oahu to the Leeward side of Oahu, the H-2 freeway extends from the Pearl City cutoff to Wahiawa and the H-3 freeway extends from the Aiea cutoff to the Windward side of Oahu (Kailua/Kaneohe).
More info on Relocating to Hawaii, the VA Loan process for purchasing your Hawaii Home and a special Video and story on a Hawaii Military Relocation and Hawaii Home Purchase come true:
VA Loans & Hawaii Military Relocations: This Realtors® Process Know the process for your VA benefits and the VA loan process.
*Across the Ocean to Paradise: Military Relocations Hawaii* Don't be shocked when you arrive...get the scoop on the environment, jobs, house hunting, BAH current rates and more!
Military Transfers & Relocations to Hawaii: A Geographical Shock How do I know? As a former military dependent I moved many times over the years from childhood and later on in adult life. Later on my son joined the military as well.....but moving to Hawaii can be more than just a transfer. Read on!
LIVE on VIDEO: A Hawaii Military Relocation Story Comes to Life Contacted by the fiance of an Active Duty Officer in the Army and subsequently relocating and purchasing their first home before getting married... this is a fairy tale come true of how they met this Realtor-Associate® on the internet.
It's not easy moving across the Pacific Ocean and purchasing your Hawaii Home;
let alone to a totally different "world" of people.
But you can do it with a little effort, motivation and a great Realtor®!
If you're Relocating to Hawaii (regardless if it's near future or just wanting to be proactive for the future) contact me to get started with your search for Hawaii Homes for Sale.
Celeste "Sally" Cheeseman, RA, e-PRO / Century 21 Liberty Homes, Mililani, Hawaii
*All pictures, content, map and information are the property of Celeste "Sally Cheeseman.